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فوز بجائزة المحامي المدافع  ماهينور المصري: الجميع سجنوها وواصلت


ماهينور المصري



جنة التحكيم برئاسة نقيب محامي باريس .. والجائزة : سجنت تباعا من قبل كل من مبارك ومرسي والسيسي



أعلنت لجنة "جائزة لودوفيك تراريو" الأربعاء أن الجائزة الدولية التي تكرم سنويا محاميا لتميزه في "الدفاع عن احترام حقوق الإنسان" فازت بها هذا العام المحامية المصرية ماهينور المصري.

وأعلنت لجنة التحكيم التي اجتمعت في العاصمة الفرنسية الأربعاء برئاسة نقيب محامي باريس بيار- اوليفييه سور ومؤسس الجائزة نقيب محامي بوردو برتران فافرو، أنها قررت منح جائزة العام 2014 إلى هذه المحامية المولودة في الإسكندرية، مشيرة إلى أن ماهينور المصري "سجنت تباعا من قبل كل من مبارك ومرسي والسيسيآخر ثلاثة رؤساء لمصر.

وستسلم الجائزة في فلورنسا بإيطاليا في أكتوبر.

وتتألف لجنة التحكيم كل عام من محامين يمثلون هيئات الدفاع عن حقوق الإنسان في كبريات نقابات المحامين في اوروبا.

وتختار اللجنة الفائز بالجائزة من خلال عملية تصويت، وذلك بعد أن تستشير أبرز المنظمات الحقوقية غير الحكومية ونقابات المحامين والجمعيات الإنسانية حول العالم والتي تسمي سنويا محامين ترى أنهم يستحقون هذه الجائزة.



Mahinour al-Masry, an Egyptian lawyer and activist who has been detained during the eras of both former presidents Hosni Mubarak and Mohamed Morsi, as well as during the current era of Interim President, now faces threat of imprisonment once again in the Mansour-Sisi era, as she preferred to name it. Masry and six others were detained on Dec. 2, 2013 in Alexandria for protesting without permission in front of the Alexandria Courthouse. They were protesting in solidarity with Khaled Said, whose brutal 2010 death while in state custody helped sparked the 2011 January 25 Revolution.

In January 2014, al-Masry was sentenced in absentia to two years in jail and to a fine of 50,000 EGP, for protesting in December in solidarity with Khaled Said, whose brutal death in 2010 while he was in custody lead to the 2011 January 25 Revolution. (It was reported that he was brutally beaten to death by plain clothes policemen and subsequently became a symbol of police repression during the 2011 Egyptian Revolution.) Simply by organizing this protest, Mahinour al-Masry broke Egypt’s repressive protests law.


Mahinour al-Masry was in a first time arrested later on Friday 11 April and investigated for her having letters from activists in prison, but the charges were dropped and she was released on 12 Apr 2014. Prosecutors decided to open investigations relating to letters she had with her at the time of her arrest, from a journalist and activist Rasha Azab told Ahram Online. However, the prosecution has since terminated the investigations after al-Masry's lawyers protested that having such letters is not illegal.


Mahinour al-Masry was convicted in abstentia of violation of the protest law. In an interview with Al-Wadi Newspaper, Masry stated that the verdict issued against her is politically motivated, and that her lawyers submitted evidence of her innocence. She has filed an appeal against her sentence to prison, allowing her to avoid detention for the time being.
On May 20, 2014, the Sidi Gaber Misdemeanour Court in Alexandria upheld The two-year jail sentence against activist Mahinour al-Masry and fined her 50,000 EGP for organising an unauthorised protest. Mahinour al-Masry was detained on May 20th 2014, to serve her sentence in jail . On May 22nd, the Egyptian security forces violently repressed participants to a solidarity march organised outside the headquarters of the Egyptian Center for Economic & Social Rights (ECESR) in Alexandria, following a press conference organized to show support for Ms. Mahinour al-Masry,


Moreover, Mahinour al-Masry is also facing trial on separate charges for an incident that occurred in March 2013, qualified as “assaulting security forces”, after she and other lawyers went to Raml police station to provide legal assistance to three activists who were arrested and sent to the police by supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood. The lawyers were attacked by the police in the police station, and Mahinour al-Masry was detained briefly before the Prosecution decided to release her and the others. 


Lawyers in solidarity with the detainees have decided to carry-out a sit in at Al-Raml Prosecution to protest, then all protesters were beaten during the protest and 13 were arrested.

The case was referred to court only on May 8, 2014, but the appointed judge resigned from the bench, and the next hearing before a different circuit is scheduled for June 16, 2014.

Known by most political activists, Masry is a member of the Revolutionary Socialists movement, and has always been outspoken as to the rights of detainees and political prisoners, with a history of activism in many labor movements, and on behalf of Syrian and Palestinian refugees in Egypt.

During an interview with Al-Wadi, she declared that the regime is not different from Mubarak’s one, and that its actions took a more violent form, as state institutions have unanimously agreed upon suppression of human rights, namely that the government wants to suppress opinions under the cover of fighting terrorism.

She continued that Mubarak imposed the state of emergency for thirty years using counter-terrorism as an argument, but this law was applied on all young people who demanded freedom and justice, and that military trials also included workers.


She further noted that since the revolution, the Egyptian state did not undertake any laws to facilitate the restoration of companies that were privatized, or important companies, such as Ezz Steel, which still achieves profits, and its profits still go to Ahmed Ezz’s bank accounts.


She further stated that in the case in which she was charged with violation of the protest law, she has been protesting with only 19 other demonstrators. She added that despite this, security forces attacked them with tear gas and arrested some of them.




Created in 1984, the "International Human Rights Prize Ludovic -Trarieux” is awarded to " a lawyer, regardless of nationality or Bar, who thoroughout his career has illustrated, by his activity or his suffering, the defence of human rights, the promotion of defence rights, the supremacy of law, and the struggle against racism and intolerance in any form ".

It is the oldest and most prestigious award given to a lawyer in the world, commemorating the memory of the French lawyer, Ludovic Trarieux (1840-1904), who in the midst of the Dreyfus Affair, in France, in 1898, founded the " League for the Defence of Human Rights and the Citizen ", because, he said: " It was not only the single cause of a man which was to be defended, but behind this cause, law, justice, humanity ".

The first Prize was awarded on March 29th, 1985 to Nelson Mandela then in jail. It was officially presented to his daughter, Zenani Mandela Dlamini, on April 27th 1985, in front of forty presidents of Bars and Law Societies from Europe and Africa. It was the first award given to Mandela in France and the first around the world given by lawyers. On February 11th 1990, Nelson Mandela was released. Since then, it was decided that the Prize would be awarded again.

Since 2003, the Prize is awarded every year in partnership by the Human Rights Institute of The Bar of Bordeaux, the Human Rights Institute of the Bar of Paris, the Human Rights Institute of The Bar of Brussels, l'Unione forense per la tutela dei diritti dell'uomo (Roma), Rechtsanwaltskammer Berlin, the Bar of Luxemburg, the Bar of Geneva, the Bar of Amsterdam as well as the Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA), and the European Bar Human Rights Institute (IDHAE) whose members are the biggest european law societies fighting for human rights. It is presented every year in a city that is home to one of the member Institutes. 

The following is the list of prize winners :

1985: Nelson MANDELA (South Africa)
1992: Augusto ZÚÑIGA PAZ (Peru) †
1994: Jadranka CIGELJ (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
1996 Nejib HOSNI (Tunisia) and Dalila MEZIANE (Algeria).
1998 ZHOU Guoqiang (China)
2000 Esber YAGMURDERELI (Turkey)
2002 Mehrangiz KAR (Iran)
2003 Digna OCHOA and Bárbara ZAMORA (Mexico)
2004: Akhtam NAISSE (Syria)
2005: Henri BURIN DES ROZIERS (Brazil)
2006: Parvez IMROZ (India)
2007 : René GÓMEZ MANZANO (Cuba)
2008 : U AYE MYINT (Burma)
2009 : Beatrice MTETWA (Zimbabwe)
2010 : Karinna MOSKALENKO (Russia)
2011 : Fethi TERBIL (Libya)

2012 : Muharrem ERBEY (Turkey)

2013 : Vadim KURAMSHIN (Kazakhstan)






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